Sean Li
“Never stop learning.”
Sean’s career started as a Software Engineer 16 years ago when he met his first mentor, Mr Yamada from Microsoft. He taught Sean to live by the “Five-hour rule to always keep learning new skills”. In Sean’s following careers as Technical Lead, Software Architect and Solution Architect, he has always been trying to do so.
Away from work, you will find Sean either in the water or under the water or on the annual family trip to Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines.
Lastly but most importantly, about Sean’s family. February 2016, the Chinese New Year, Sean’s boss at home commanded a new order starting with “I was wondering… should we move to a better place to raise the baby?”. Eight months later, Sean ticked the checkbox of the above task right before the next command came, which, as usual, started with, “I was wondering… should we have a six-week holiday in the South Island before you start the new job?”.