Tim Aplin


"Behold, descending from the heavens! The resolver of a thousand Alerts, the configurator of countless systems, The closer of security holes and the bane of inefficient workflows – For it is I! Tim the Azure Admin!”

My journey in the Cloud has been long, from managing NZ Hosted re-sold remote services (Hosted Exchange, Hosted Terminal services) before moving on Umbrellar – which eventually became Newfold Digital. It was here that my exposure to Cloud technologies really took off – and when the opportunity came to deploy a fully automated and Azure-based data solution – I jumped in with both feet. The allure of Azure was that the tooling and options were so expansive and powerful that I felt like for any and every problem, there was a way to solve it using Azure and to do it in such a way that it was automated.

Whether this was having a triggered Data Factory pipeline to extract data from on-premises sources and deploy it to PowerBI and other Cloud-based applications (like Salesforce) or using Logic Apps to automate monthly financial reporting – whatever the challenge was, Azure had the means for me to come up with a solution.

And it is the Solution that drives me. A Builder can take a step back and look at a brand new home and, moments before they have the keys off to the new owner, take immense pride at bringing the order and functionality of a new home out of the chaos from raw material. In many ways, I am like that builder, taking the raw materials of Azure and combining them together in new and interesting ways to deliver a solution that will be the end-clients new home (or in some cases, a renovated room…)

That same drive and energy makes me want to see your business succeed – and ultimately, let’s build some really cool and innovative stuff together.

Outside of Work, I’m situated in Taranaki – As you might guess, Music (the heavier kind) plays a key role in my life, I am a drummer (albeit an out-of-practice one), I love Lego Technic and I like to go Deer Hunting in the gorgeous NZ Back Country.



Tim Aplin

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